ragi simili / simili urundai/ ragi peanut sesame(ellu) balls

ragi simili / simili urundai/ ragi peanut sesame(ellu) balls Ragi simil is nutritiously dense traditional sweet snack that is rich in vitamin E ,Iron,protein,fibre and calcium. At the same time tastes delicious. Here in our place we call it as elluchi in kannada. Really don’t know why they call it as simili. But sure I have...

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millet foxtail idli/thinai arisi(rice)idli

millet foxtail idli/thinai arisi(rice)idli Conveying its basic character"millet dishes" are generally most filling grain "Yes" it is a special character that these millet's have!!that's why now people are more into it replacing the white rice.More than that another reason is!!millet's tastes exactly like rice,of-course its more versatile grain as rice!I mean that varieties of dishes can...

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samai arisi adai/little millet snakegourd rice adai

samai arisi adai/little millet snakegourd rice adai Snake gourd/pudalangai/padwal is a common vegetable in India especially in the south we make kootu,stews and poriayal with it!!which are day to day simple dishes that are made!"but and if"to break the routine way I have used these Snake gourd's to make adai.Its okay that!!faultlessly that I have simply...

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