quick easy sambar sadam recipe / easy sambar rice

quick easy sambar sadam recipe / easy sambar rice Its a quick easy sambar sadam recipe which is a much needed one especially during hard core issue that we a undergoing all over the world. This sambar is an one pot meal and you can very well add veggies of your choice. If you are able...

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khichuri recipe bengali style /easy one pot masala khichdi

khichuri recipe bengali style /easy one pot masala khichdi The phase that we are undergoing now is the toughest for anyone in the world. Each one should be responsible and aware to eradicate this dreadful virus. Food plays an vital role to keep us healthy and resistant to such life-threatening situations. The food we take should...

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millet curd rice recipe/ varagu arisi(kodo)thayir sadam

millet curd rice recipe/ varagu (kodo) arisi thayir sadam Curd rice such a comforting food that never disappoints any one to give soulful satisfaction. Nowadays these millets have retrieved its importance and the same old ordinary curd rice gets a millet form. Its summer time now and its most needed one especially I love to serve...

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palakottai kuzhambu / jackfruit seed kulambu

palakottai kuzhambu / jackfruit seed kulambu   Inside such delectable tropical fruit like jackfruit has a surprising starchy protein rich seed with high nutritional value is really a gods gift. But usability is much less as many just eat the fruit part alone and discard the seeds. But most often in all our homes our elders would...

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beetroot rasam recipe /rasam without dal

beetroot rasam recipe /rasam without dal SouthIndian homes cannot live without rasam such a comforting food to have any time in a day as such or as a soup. After any heavy meal having this rasam sadam is the most wanted thing for good digestion.This time its beetroot rasam recipe every one in our home liked...

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ginger kuzhambu /inji kulambu recipe for rice

ginger kuzhambu /inji kulambu recipe for rice This mighty rhizome is intensely popular for its curative benefits. Both flavour and pungency of ginger is solely unique with versatile culinary uses. Iam a great fan of ginger tea the gingery tint with every sip is just divine. Most of the time we would make poodu kuzhambu but...

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muttai kuzhambu for rice /pepper egg curry recipe

muttai kuzhambu for rice /pepper egg curry recipe Spicy flavourful gravies always make a meal complete and this muttai kuzhambu for rice is one such curry that you can try for sure. Variation of dishes made with this power packed ingredient egg are endless its really versatile. Instead of using boiled egg in this kuzhambu you...

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valaipoo kulambu recipe /saiva meen kuzhambu

valaipoo kulambu recipe /saiva meen kuzhambu Saiva meen kuzhambu the name itself is very tempting and will kindle our taste-buds with loads of expectation. Making valaipoo kulambu recipe is quite time-consuming but worth its pain. You can plan it to do like you can finish the cleaning the banana flower the day before so that the...

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