Remove skin and seeds of sapota cut and keep it ready.2.Measure all ingredients and keep.3.Add sapota in a mixer jar add in condensed milk and vanilla.4.Beat into a paste.5.Now take whipping cream in a bowl beat it with a whisk.6.Till stiff peaks forms.7.Add in the paste of sapota mix well.8.Finally add in small chunks of sapota and mix well.9.Set in freezer for 6 hours in a airtight container.10.Take out scoop out and enjoy.
Adding sapota bits to the ice-cream is optional.
while whipping the cream should be chilled so that it whips well.
Nicely ripe chikoos will be best for making this ice-cream.
Take out from the freezer wait for some 5 minutes then scoop and serve.
Use farm fresh ripened chikoos to make this ice-cream.