shikanji drink / Indian Lemonade

shikanji drink / Indian Lemonade During summer the scorching sun sucks up all the little energy we have!people are in constant search of some thirst rejuvenating drinks!and it becomes inevitably necessary that we have a strong needing to drink something completely cool.Nimbu pani or shikanji is the exact simple tasty inevitable drink that will quench our thirst....

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how to prepare punjabi lassi /sweet lassi

how to prepare punjabi lassi /sweet lassi My memory lane is spreading over those unforgettable moments(days) where me and my hubby would wander the streets of parry's corner in Chennai(Parry's corner is an important landmark for shopping everything and anything you need)The ever crowded parry's corner had a famous lassi shop!It was the place where I...

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shrikhand sweet recipe /Indian sweet dish

shrikhand sweet recipe /Indian sweet dish Beginning of the year in India is glorified with different names!its gudi padwa in Maharashtra ,Ugadi in Karnataka and Andrapradesh and Cheti chand for Sindhis. As a symbol of victory Maharashtraians raise gudi! a banner like thing with swastika symbol decorated with colorful silk cloth,mango leaves and flowers with an...

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chikoo milk shake /sapota(chikku)milkshake

chikoo milk shake /sapota(chikku)milkshake Its termed as mud apple because of its sandy brown colour!here it is commonly called as chikoo in India and in South India we call it sapota fruit(TamilNadu)I usually buy sapota/chikoo unripe as it will be all set to have nice firm ripened fruit the next day.While selecting the fruit go for...

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how to make mousse dessert /thandai mousse

how to make mousse dessert /thandai mousse I found a very interesting kind of summer fusion dessert using thandai sharbat (syrup concentrate) in one of the you tube video's from tarladalal's!a blended dessert of Indian and western.I can very well imagine a thandai mousse served with Indian gulab jamuns are even more enjoyable!but here I have...

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thandai sharbat (syrup concentrate)/thandai recipe

thandai sharbat (syrup concentrate) /thandai recipe Here the summer has started with its fiery momentum this time Iam welcoming and compensating the hot weather with one of the traditional exotic North Indian summer drink "thandai". When I came to know about this drink I was curious for the first time try! I was quiet skeptical about...

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muskmelon milkshake/Cantaloupe milkshake

muskmelon milkshake/Cantaloupe milkshake This July in my place it is hot and windy and we people are in continuous search for various thirst quenchers. Bountiful amounts of fresh muskmelon is available in our-nearby fruit shops till now.Nowadays varied varieties of muskmelon are available in the market,with different color,outer texture and even shapes.My daughter would love to...

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Amla juice/gooseberry juice preparation/Nellikai juice

Nellikai juice/gooseberry juice preparation The surprising "sweet taste" you will get after a bitter and sour bite of an Amla fruit is just miraculous.Gooseberry fruit is filled with lots of healthy richness which makes it an important fruit in Ayurveda.Extreme water content in it makes it more succulent and juicy. It can be dried,juiced or can...

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