cold coffee with ice cream at home /cold coffee milkshake
cold coffee with ice cream at home /cold coffee milkshake
These scorching summer days are becoming more and more severe . We can never ever escape from this torture. The only way to stay hydrated is always taking loads of liquid beverages that are natural. In my life time I thought that only hot coffee to be soulfully satisfying but when I tasted this cold coffee with ice cream at home I was totally surprised. My daughter will always make this cold coffee for herself and
she enjoys it all the time.This time I asked her for a sip and it was totally refreshing and very impressive.You can use even fresh cream instead of ice-cream but I love to have it with ice-cream only. You can very well skip using chocolate syrup if you don’t have or even add a dash of cocoa powder. Everything you add for this recipe is of your own choice I mean the measurements! add according to your taste. This cold coffee with ice cream at home is totally a relish.
cold coffee with ice cream at home /cold coffee milkshake
Boiled and cold milk – 1 cup
Instant coffee powder – 1 tsp(according to taste)
Chocolate syrup – 1 tsp
Water – 1 tbsp,Ice-cubes – few
Sugar – add according to taste
Ice cream (Vanilla) – 2-3 scoops
Some chocolate syrup to garnish
1.Put chocolate syrup,Instant coffee powder,sugar and water directly in a mixer jar.
2.Mix well to dissolve.
3.The add milk to it with scoops of ice-cream.
4.Beat well by adding ice cubes.
5.You will get a frothy mixture.
6.Enjoy and be cool.

cold coffee with ice cream at home /cold coffee milkshake
- Boiled and cold milk - 1 cup
- Instant coffee powder - 1 tsp according to taste
- Chocolate syrup - 1 tsp
- Ice-cubes - few
- Water - 1 tbsp
- Sugar - add according to taste
- Ice cream Vanilla - 2-3 scoops
- Some chocolate syrup to garnish
- Put chocolate syrup,Instant coffee powder,sugar and water directly in a mixer jar.
- Mix well to dissolve.
- The add milk to it with scoops of ice-cream.
- Beat well by adding ice cubes.
- You will get a frothy mixture.
- Enjoy and be cool.
Add sugar less or more according to your taste.